Cheese Tomato Rolls Recipe

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 Cheese Tomato Rolls Recipe

Pizza Dough:
375g (3 cups) all-purpose flour
1-1/2 tsp instant yeast
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
250ml (1 cup) or less warm water

Mix flour, yeast, oil, and salt. Add warm water while mixing to adjust the consistency of the dough. 
Knead until smooth and elastic. Soft but doesn't sticky.
Form a ball, coat with oil and cover until double its size. 

Tomato sauce:
1/2 cup tomato sauce/ketchup
Pepper, garlic, parsley, oregano, basil. A little salt to taste, optional.
Mix well.

1/2 cup tomato based sauce (ketchup/pizza sauce/marinara sauce/podomoro sauce)
1 - 2 cups or more shredded cheese(s)
Herbs & seasoning: salt, pepper, parsley, oregano, etc.
Egg for egg wash
Hot sauce or other sauce to serve (optional)


  1. Flatten the dough into a rectangular shape
  2. Spread tomato sauce evenly, leave a space at the opposite edge. 
  3. Sprinkle shredded cheese(s) covering the sauce, add seasoning to taste.
  4. Roll up the dough like a swiss roll. Close the dough by lifting the edge to prevent the filling to leak out.
  5. Slice the rolled dough. I put in a square baking pan 24x21 cm. Free to use any baking pan or just simply put on a baking tray/sheet. Mine was sliced into 9 pieces.
  6. Cover 30 minutes or longer. Egg wash. Add more cheese and parsley on top.
  7. Bake at 180°C (350°F) 30 minutes top & bottom heat. If you use a baking pan like mine, you might find the bottom still pale, bake longer use bottom heat for 10 minutes/more.
  8. Serve with hot sauce. Eat warm!

